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Chew Gum Before Blood Draw

EJIFCC. 2020 Mar; 31(1): 28–45.

Published online 2020 Mar 20.

Can chewing gum be another source of preanalytical variability in fasting outpatients?

Ricardas Stonys

1 Center of Laboratory Medicine, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania

Valdas Banys

1 Center of Laboratory Medicine, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania

2 Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Dalius Vitkus

1 Center of Laboratory Medicine, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania

2 Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Gabriel Lima-Oliveira

3 Section of Clinical Biochemistry, Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, University of Verona, Italy

4 Latin American Working Group for Preanalytical Phase (WG-PRE-LATAM) of the Latin America Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI), Montevideo, Uruguay



In the daily laboratory practice, there are patients coming to blood collection sites chewing sugar-free gum, considering it irrelevant to laboratory tests. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a sugar-free chewing gum can interfere with laboratory tests.


We studied 22 healthy volunteers. After a 12-hour overnight fasting, the first blood sample was collected between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. Then, immediately after the first venous blood collection, the subjects started chewing the gum (declared sugar-free) for 20 min. Subsequent venous blood samples were collected at 1, 2, and 4 hours after chewing the gum. Significant differences between samples were assessed by the Wilcoxon ranked-pairs test.


Among all the results, statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between basal and × hours after chewing sugar-free gum were observed for the following parameters: cortisol, insulin, C-peptide, triglycerides, uric acid, urea, amylase, alanine aminotransferase, lipase, creatine kinase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, phosphate, iron, potassium, thyroid stimulating hormone, red blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean cell volume, red cell distribution width, white blood cell count, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils; whereas, coagulation tests were not impacted by chewing sugar-free gum.


We recommend instructing the patients to avoid the use of chewing gum before blood collection for laboratory tests.

Key words: blood specimen collection, diagnostic errors, fasting, postprandial period, reproducibility of results


Chewing is essential during food consumption since it helps swallowing and food digestion. Moreover, Hirano et al. have shown that chewing is linked with cognitive functions (i.e., learning, memory and attention) [1]. Regarding the prolonged chewing consequent to chewing gum habit, it has some favorable outcomes such as: i) removal of food debris and plaque from teeth; ii) stimulation of saliva flow; and iii) reduction of gingivitis [2]. Moreover, chewing gum has been proven to stimulate the cephalic phase of gastric secretion on par with food chewing. The amount of acid output stimulated after 15 min of chewing the gum was very similar to the acid output after a cheeseburger meal [3]. It is well known that the hydrochloric acid secretion into the stomach is linked to:

  1. extraction from blood plasma of Cl-, Na+, CO2, and H2O;

  2. maintenance of blood electrolyte equilibrium through the release of HCO3 - into the blood leaving the stomach (alkaline tide) [4].

Therefore, the fake feeding-induced gastric secretion due to chewing gum should be considered carefully when laboratory tests needing patient fasting are to be performed.

Currently, the management of patient preparation before laboratory testing requires attention since the evidence has shown that fasting time is required before blood sampling [5-7], except for lipid profile assessment [8, 9]. However, the GP 41, a standard for global application developed through the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) consensus process, recommends "no chewing gum, or other objects (eg. thermometer) should be in the patient's mouth at the time the specimen is collected" although no information is provided about allowance or denial regarding chewing gum habit before blood specimen collection [10]; whereas, a joint document from the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) and Latin America Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI) states that "chewing gum should not be used" without any scientific evidence that it could be a source of laboratory variability [11].

In the daily laboratory practice, there are patients coming to blood collection sites chewing sugar-free gum, considering it irrelevant with respect to fasting status. Moreover, laboratory professionals lack evidence to define patient preparation regarding this issue. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether chewing sugar-free gum can interfere with laboratory tests.


A total of 22 healthy volunteers (13 women and 9 men; average age was 31 (22-52) years) were selected from the personnel of the Center of Laboratory Medicine of the Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos and included in the study. Informed consent was obtained from all study subjects according to the 2013 Declaration of Helsinki and the protocol was approved by the Ethic Committee.

After a 12-hour overnight fast, the first blood sample was collected between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. Then, immediately after the first venous blood collection, the subjects started chewing 2.8 g of sugar-free chewing gum (Orbit Spearmint, Wrigley company, Plymouth, USA) for 20 minutes. The composition of the chewing gum is declared in Table 1. Subsequent venous blood samples were collected at 1, 2, and 4 hours after chewing sugar-free gum.

Table 1

Nutritional composition of sugar-free chewing gum

Nutritional composition
overall weight (g) 2.8
KJ 17.8
Kcal 4.3
total carbohydrates (g) 1.8
proteins (g) 0
total lipids (g) 0

According to the CLSI GP 41 and the EFLM-COLABIOCLI recommendations [10, 11], all venous blood sampling procedures were carried out by a single phlebotomist. In order to eliminate possible blood distribution interferences, all volunteers were kept in an upright sitting position for 15 min [12-14]. Then, a vein was located on the forearm using a subcutaneous tissue transilluminator device (Venoscópio IV plus; Duan do Brasil, Brazil), in order to prevent venous stasis interference through tourniquet [15-18] and to avoid clenching [19].

All blood samples were collected directly into one 1.8 mL evacuated tube containing 3.2% sodium citrate 9N, one 3.5 mL evacuated tube containing gel separator and clot activator for serum samples, and one 4.0 mL evacuated tube containing K2EDTA (Vacumed®, FL Medical, Torreglia, Italy) using a 20 gauge needle in a closed evacuated system (FL Medical, Torreglia, Italy). To eliminate any possible interference due to either the contact phase or tissue factor, approximately 2 mL of blood were preliminarily collected in a discard tube without additives (Vacumed®, FL Medical, Torreglia, Italy). The blood collection procedure was appropriately standardized in each phase, as already reported [20, 21], particularly regarding the sample processing, centrifugation and serum/plasma separation.

All the samples were assayed in a single analytical run in the same instrument according to the manufacturer's specifications and using proprietary reagents. The panel of tests that were performed and the instruments used by the Center of Laboratory Medicine of the Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Results of within-run precision by the internal quality control used on the instruments

Part I: Clinical chemistry
Instrument Test Method IQC assigned value CVa (%)
Arhitect ci8200, Abbott Glc enzymatic, Hexokinase / G-6-PDH, UV 3.13 mmol/L 1.2
Cortisol CMIA 127 nmol/L 7.4
Ins CMIA 17.1 pmol/L 6.7
C peptide CMIA 39.1 nmol/L 4.6
CHOL enzymatic, cholesterol oxidase / cholesterol esterase 2.90 mmol/L 0.5
HDL accelerator selective detergent, cholesterol oxidase / cholesterol esterase 0.74 mmol/L 2.5
TG enzymatic, glycerol phosphate oxidase 0.91 mmol/L 1.4
TP biuret 38.1 g/L 0.5
Alb bromocresol green, colorimetric 0.36 mmol/L 0.4
UA enzymatic, uricase 0.21 mol/L 6.8
Urea UV, urease 2.46 mmol/L 4.0
CREA enzimatic 0.08 mmol/L 4.1
CRP latex immunoturbidimetric 8.10 nmol/L 2.6
ALP p-nitrophenyl phosphate 34.2 U/L 2.8
AMY-P enzymatic, colorimetric 23.3 U/L 4.3
AMY CNPG3 substrate 45.4 U/L 1.6
AST IFCC, NADH, with P5P 40.6 U/L 7.3
ALT IFCC, NADH, with P5P 24.5 U/L 1.2
GGT L-Gamma-glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide substrate 29.5 U/L 3.2
LD IFCC, UV lactate-pyruvate 116 U/L 0.6
Lip quinone dye 20.6 U/L 8.2
CK N-acetyl-L-cysteine, NAC 83.5 U/L 4.8
TBIL diazonium salt 11.8 μmol/L 1.0
DBIL diazo reaction 5.82 μmol/L 7.8
Phos UV, phosphomolybdate 0.61 mmol/L 0.3
Ca arsenazo III, colorimetric 1.54 mmol/L 0.4
Mg enzymatic, isocitrate dehydrogenase 0.77 mmol/L 4.9
Fe ferene, colorimetric 12.2 μmol/L 4.0
Na ion-selective electrode, indirect 117 mmol/L 0.9
K ion-selective electrode, indirect 2.59 mmol/L 1.1
Cl ion-selective electrode, indirect 78.9 mmol/L 1.0
TSH CMIA 0.048 μIU/L 11.0
fT4 CMIA 11.2 pmol/L 3.3
Part II: Hematology
XN-1000,Sysmex RBC impedance 4.50 1012/L 8.0
Hct calculated 0.47 L/L 0.3
Hb photometric 155 g/L 0.7
MCV calculated 88.5 fL 0.1
RDW calculated 15.2 % 0.5
WBC flourescent flow citometry 9.10 109/L 1.5
Lympho flourescent flow citometry 2.4 109/L 3.7
Mono flourescent flow citometry 0.8 109/L 4.1
Neu flourescent flow citometry 5.3 109/L 2.7
Eos flourescent flow citometry 0.6 109/L 17.3
Baso flourescent flow citometry 0.33 109/L 11.8
IG flourescent flow citometry 0.75 109/L 16.1
Plt impedance 245 109/L 2.2
PDW calculated 9.2 % 2.8
MPV calculated 9.8 fL 0.8
Part III: Coagulation
STA Compact Max, Diagnostica Stago PT coagulometric, Owren 14.7 s 6.5
APTT coagulometric, silica 35.5 s 7.7
Fbg coagulometric, Clauss 2.9 g/L 11.1
PC chromogenic, Agkistrodon c. contortrix venom 96 % 7.3
PS latex immunoturbidimetric 62 % 12.6

The instruments were calibrated against appropriate proprietary reference standard materials and verified with independent third-party control materials (Liquid Assayed Multiqual® Level 1 for routine biochemistry tests (Bio-Rad, California, USA) and Multichem IA Plus® Level 1 for immunochemistry assays (Technopath Clinical Diagnostics, Ballina, Ireland)) [22].

The evaluation of the within-run precision by the internal quality control of the instruments used in this study showed low coefficients of variation (Table 2).

For assessing the statistical differences between samples, the Wilcoxon ranked-pairs test was used in agreement with Simundic's [23] recommendations regarding sample size (i.e. less than 30), with a licensed statistical software (GraphPad Prism® version 5.01, La Jolla, CA, USA). The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.

Presently there is a lack of harmonization on the preanalytical methodology for evaluating a single source of laboratory variability (e.g., impact of chewing gum). Researchers use different statistical tools to estimate bias and clinical significance: (i) bland-Altman analysis [24]; (ii) percentage mean difference [25] – which represents the difference between baseline and treatment values divided by the treatment value – the method we chose; and iii) Passing-Bablok regression with 95% confidence intervals [26].

To calculate the percentage mean difference, we decided to use the following formula:

mean % difference = [(× h after chewing sugar-free gum – basal)/× h after chewing sugar-free gum] × 100%.

Using it we could avoid the possible "false positive source of variability" since it is more sensitive than:

mean % difference = [(basal – × h after chewing sugar-free gum) / basal] × 100%.

In this way, only strong sources of preanalytical variability can be identified.

Finally, the mean % differences between blood samples taken 1, 2 and 4 hours after chewing sugar-free gum, were compared with the desirable specification for imprecision (DSI) derived from biologic variation [27]. We used DSI as criterium of acceptable level of interference by chewing gum in the laboratory tests; then interferograms were provided for each laboratory parameters with significant difference between h after chewing sugar-free gum and basal.

Briefly, in our study design, each volunteer was devised to be her/his own control (i.e. the results from 1, 2 and 4 hours after chewing sugar-free gum were compared with basal-results of the same individual). Indeed, this kind of study design – a case-crossover study – is most suitable for outcomes where the induction time is short [28], like our evaluation of impact of chewing gum on laboratory test results. In fact, in a case-crossover study, only cases showing discordant exposure status in the case/control window-of-time contribute to the effect and thus to the measure estimation. Because cases and controls are the same individuals, the problem of between-person confounders—that anyway exists with a control group—being constant for the characteristics, do not occur [29]. Therefore, our design minimizes the variability that could jeopardize the preanalytical evaluation.


The results of the laboratory tests are presented as median [interquartile range] in Table 3.

Table 3

Laboratory test results variation after chewing sugar-free gum

Part I: Clinical chemistry
Test Unit Basal 1h 2h 4h
Glc mmol/L 4.61 [4.30-4.78] 4.60 [4.31-4.77]
4.51 [4.43-4.84]
4.49 [4.32-4.71]
Cortisol nmol/L 290 [219-383] 212 [149-279]
215 [183-290]
235 [172-292]
Ins pmol/L 41.0 [30.6-67.9] 36.7 [24.9-51.8]
34.0 [24.5-55.1]
31.6 [22.0-42.9]
C peptide nmol/L 0.41 [0.36-0.62] 0.38 [0.33-0.56]
0.36 [0.30-0.53]
0.33 [0.26-0.46]
CHOL mmol/L 4.68 [4.34-5.58] 5.59 [4.32-4.46]
5.60 [4.24-5.48]
4.68 [4.37-5.48]
HDL mmol/L 1.59 [1.38-1.96] 1.58 [1.35-1.92]
1.59 [1.33-1.90]
1.57 [1.32-1.88]
TG mmol/L 0.68 [0.54-0.83] 0.59 [0.48-0.87]
0.58 [0.50-0.86]
0.74 [0.57-0.88]
TP g/L 76.3 [71.8-77.9] 75.4 [72.0-77.7]
75.3 [71.8-78.1]
75.5 [72.8-80.4]
Alb g/L 46.3 [44.5-48.0] 46.5 [44.7-47.3]
46.4 [43.6-49.8]
46.5 [45.7-48.0]
UA mmol/L 0.33 [0.25-0.39] 0.35 [0.27-0.41]
0.36 [0.27-0.42]
0.36 [0.27-0.42]
Urea mmol/L 4.68 [3.75-5.79] 4.50 [3.70-5.64]
4.30 [3.66-5.51]
4.16 [3.68-5.46]
CREA mmol/L 0.08 [0.06-0.09] 0.08 [0.07-0.09]
0.08 [0.07-0.09]
0.08 [0.07-0.09]
CRP nmol/L 4.76 [2.86-5.81] 4.67 [2.76-6.19]
4.86 [2.76-6.67]
4.76 [2.86-6.19]
ALP U/L 56 [48-66] 57 [47-62]
57 [49-62]
57 [47-61]
AMY-P U/L 27 [21-35] 27 [21-30]
27 [20-31]
27 [21-31]
AMY U/L 63 [55-80] 59 [49-78]
55 [45-78]
51 [40-68]
AST U/L 23 [17-29] 22 [20-28]
23 [19-29]
22 [19-30]
ALT U/L 28 [17-38] 28 [16-37]
25 [16-32]
23 [15-30]
GGT U/L 17 [10-22] 17 [10-23]
17 [10-24]
17 [10-24]
LD U/L 185 [161-200] 187 [163-201]
186 [160-203]
186 [160-199]
Lip U/L 20 [17-23] 22 [16-22]
24 [18-26]
24 [18-27]
CK U/L 116 [71-130] 125 [79-145]
125 [78-146]
120 [80-138]
TBIL μmol/L 11.1 [8.55-12.3] 12.0 [8.38-13.7]
12.0 [8.21-14.0]
13.7 [10.6-16.2]
DBIL μmol/L 4.79 [3.59-5.64] 4.79 [3.76-5.64]
5.47 [4.10-6.16]
6.17 [4.28-6.84]
Phos mmol/L 1.03 [0.94-1.23] 1.00 [0.97-1.17]
1.10 [1.00-1.21]
1.20 [1.10-1.23]
Ca mmol/L 2.43 [2.42-2.46] 2.44 [2.40-2.47]
2.44 [2.39-2.47]
2.44 [2.37-2.48]
Mg mmol/L 0.83 [0.79-0.86] 0.83 [0.79-0.84]
0.83 [0.79-0.84]
0.83 [0.80-0.84]
Fe μmol/L 18.1 [12.4-23.3] 18.3 [12.2-23.1]
18.3 [12.5-23.5]
19.5 [14.7-23.3]
Na mmol/L 140 [139-141] 140 [140-141]
140 [138-140]
141 [140-143]
K mmol/L 4.15 [3.91-4.22] 4.40 [4.21-4.48]
4.42 [4.20-4.40]
4.00 [3.89-4.18]
Cl mmol/L 106 [104-106] 106 [104-107]
106 [105-107]
106 [104-107]
TSH μlU/L 1.41 [0.94-2.10] 1.23 [0.84-1.81]
1.15 [0.93-1.71]
1.26 [0.95-1.85]
fT4 pmol/L 12.9 [11.7-13.5] 12.9 [12.0-13.8]
12.7 [11.7-13.6]
12.7 [11.9-13.9]
Part II: Hematology
RBC 1012/L 4.70 [4.33-5.20] 4.55 [4.29-5.03]
4.54 [4.20-5.02]
4.40 [4.25-4.90]0.001
Hct L/L 0.45 [0.40-0.46] 0.41 [0.37-0.46]
0.40 [0.38-0.45]
0.40 [0.36-0.45]
Hb g/L 135 [126-149] 132 [122-147]
130 [122-148]
130 [121-147]
MCV fL 90.8 [87.3-92.0] 90.0 [86.8-91.4]
89.1 [86.0-90.6]
87.9 [85.0-90.1]
RDW % 44.0 [41.0-46.0] 43.0 [40.2-45.9]
42.1 [40.0-43.9]
41.0 [39.3-44.2]
WBC 109/L 5.20 [4.01-5.74] 5.03 [4.18-5.72]
5.36 [4.42-6.01]
6.18 [5.11-6.98]
Lympho 109/L 1.81 [1.40-1.93] 1.62 [1.51-1.80]
1.70 [1.52-2.03]
1.98 [1.78-2.31]
Mono 109/L 0.41 [0.28-0.54] 0.41 [0.29-0.50]
0.38 [0.29-0.47]
0.45 [0.31-0.53]
Neu 109/L 2.64 [1.98-3.10] 2.73 [2.20-3.32]
2.96 [2.44-3.41]
3.42 [2.63-4.10]
Eos 109/L 0.10 [0.06-0.14] 0.07 [0.05-0.12]
0.07 [0.05-0.10]
0.07 [0.04-0.10]
Baso 109/L 0.04 [0.02-0.04] 0.04 [0.02-0.04]
0.04 [0.02-0.04]
0.04 [0.03-0.04]
IG 109/L 0.01 [0.00-0.01] 0.01 [0.01-0.01]
0.01 [0.00-0.02]
0.01 [0.01-0.02]
Plt 109/L 228 [204-269] 226 [204-268]
225 [204-267]
229 [206-269]
PDW % 11.2 [10.0-12.0] 11.5 [9.74-12.1]
11.7 [9.98-12.4]
11.4 [10.0-12.1]
MPV fL 10.0 [9.28-10.3] 10.0 [9.35-10.2]
10.1 [9.50-10.1]
10.1 [9.51-10.2]
Part III: Coagulation
PT s 13.0 [12.6-13.2] 13.0 [12.7-13.3]
13.1 [12.8-13.4]
13.1 [12.7-13. 3]
APTT s 33.1 [32.2-36.0] 33.2 [32.1-35.9]
33.0 [31.6-36.5]
33.1 [32.0-35.2]
Fbg g/L 2.94 [2.53-3.12] 2.88 [2.50-3.15]
2.89 [2.41-3.22]
2.89 [2.42-3.16]
PC % activity 102 [89.3-120] 100 [89.7-119]
100 [89.9-119]
101 [90.3-117]
PS % activity 88.3 [75.5-111] 87.8 [75.2-111]
88.2 [76.2-112]
88.7 [76.1-111]

Among all the results, statistically significant differences between basal and x h after chewing sugar-free gum were observed for the following parameters: cortisol, insulin, C peptide, triglycerides, uric acid, urea, amylase, alanine aminotransferase, lipase, creatine kinase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, phosphate, iron, potassium, thyroid stimulating hormone, red blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean cell volume, red cell distribution width, white blood cell count, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils; whereas, coagulation tests were not impacted by chewing sugar-free gum (Figure 1).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is ejifcc-31-28-g001.jpg


Legend follows on next page.Legend of Figure 1:A, cortisol; B, Ins – insulin; C, C-peptide; D, TG – triglycerides; E, Lip – lipase; F, CK – creatine kinase; G, urea; H, ALT – alanine aminotransferase; I, TBIL – total bilirubin; J, DBIL – direct bilirubin; K, UA – uric acid; L, MY – amylase; M, Phos – phosphate; N, K – potassium; O, TSH – thyroid stimulating hormone; P, RBC – red blood cells; Q, Hb – haemoglobin; R, Hct – haematocrit; S, WBC – white blood cells; T, Neu – neutrophils; U, Lympho – lymphocytes; and V, Eos – eosinophils Hours after the chewing the gum (x-axis) are plotted against bias values (y-axis). Solid line – bias. Dashed lines – acceptable criteria based on desirable specification for imprecision (DSI) derived from biologic variation.


Our primary hypothesis was that chewing gum – even sugar free – could impact the glucose metabolism. However, the results of glucose, cortisol, insulin and C peptide levels properly evidenced that chewing gum lacks influence on glucose results (Table 3); the variability observed in cortisol, insulin and C peptide (Table 3, Figure 1a, 1b, 1c) could mirror cortisol circadian cycle [30] (since the first blood collection was at 8 am), and life cycle of these hormones [31]. Studies have shown that the insulin half-life varies between 4.3 and 9.8 min, whereas for C peptide the half-life could vary between 11.1 and 33.5 min [32-35]. Therefore, our insulin and C peptide results could mirror the prolonged fasting.

The chewing gum producer declares the following chemical constituents of the product on the pack label: a) sweeteners: E967 – xylitol, E420 – sorbitol, E951 – aspartame, E421 – mannitol, E950 – acesulfame potassium, and E955 – sucralose; b) moisture additive: E422 – glycerol; c) thickener: E414 – gum Arabic; d) emulsifier: soy lecithin; e) food colouring: E171 – titanium dioxide; f) filler: E903 – carnauba wax; g) antioxidant: E320 – butylated hydroxyanisole. However, the chewing gum producer do not specify the quantities of mentioned constituents, furthermore, they do not specify the base of the gum (i.e., it is not declared on the gum package). Probably it is a mixture of resins, elastomers, fillers, and plasticizers [2].

Regarding lipids profile, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were not affected neither by prolonged fasting time [8] nor chewing gum (Table 3). However, the decrease in triglycerides one and two hours after chewing gum can mirror the gluconeogenesis and beta oxidation process, since volunteers had fasted for 13 and 14 hours prior to blood collections, respectively. However, four hours after chewing gum the triglycerides concentration increased and returned almost up to the basal levels (Table 3, Figure 1d). Since glycerol is the moisture additive declared by the chewing gum producer (Table 1), it could be absorbed and provide positive bias in our enzymatic, glycerol phosphate oxidase method for triglyceride test. Moreover, the methodology of quinone dye is used on Architect to determine lipase activity. Briefly, lipase acts on a natural substrate, 1,2-diglyceride, to liberate 2-monoglyceride. This is hydrolyzed by monoglyceride lipase into glycerol and free fatty acid. Glycerol kinase acts on glycerol to form glycerol-3-phosphate which is in turn acted on by glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase to generate hydrogen peroxide. Peroxidase converts the hydrogen peroxide, 4-aminoantipyrine, and N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-m-toluidine (TOOS) into a quinone dye. Thus, the rate of formation of the dye is measured as an increase in absorbance at 548 nm and is proportional to the lipase activity in the sample. Therefore, the glycerol from sugar-free chewing gum could potentially jeopardize lipase results (Table 3, Figure 1e).

The oxidation of NADPH by the radical of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA, present in the chewing gum) was previously demonstrated [36, 37]. The short decryptions of the laboratory methods below could explain the variability observed in CK, urea, and ALT (Table 3, Figure 1f, 1g, 1h).

  • CK: in N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) methodology, the creatine kinase, present in the sample, catalyzes the transfer of a high energy phosphate group from creatine phosphate to ADP. The ATP produced in this reaction is subsequently used to phosphorylate glucose to produce glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) in the presence of hexokinase. G-6-P is then oxidized by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) with the concomitant reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced (NADPH). The rate of formation of NADPH is monitored at 340 nm and is proportional to the activity of CK in the sample. These reactions occur in the presence of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) which is present as an enzyme reactivator;

  • Urea: in urease methodology, two moles of NADH are oxidized for each mole of urea present. The initial rate of decrease in absorbance at 340 nm is proportional to the urea concentration in the sample;

  • ALT: in IFCC methodology, the pyruvate in the presence of NADH and lactate dehydrogenase is reduced to L-lactate. In this reaction NADH is oxidized to NAD. The reaction is monitored by measuring the rate of decrease in absorbance at 340 nm due to the oxidation of NADH to NAD.

Moreover, Vandghanooni et al. experimentally demonstrated that slight concentration of butylated hydroxyanisole – lower than expected from human exposure to antioxidants in food products, i.e. chewing gum – inhibits the growth rate of cells by inducing apoptosis via chromatin and DNA fragmentation [38]. Furthermore, the xylitol in the sugar-free chewing gum could be responsible for the increase observed in bilirubin, and uric acid [39, 40], and decrease in amylase [41] (Table 3, Figure 1i, 1j, 1k, 1l).

Similar results on phosphate, potassium and TSH (Table 3, Figure 1m, 1n, 1o) were demonstrated by Bajaña et al. [5] on volunteers after breakfast. Therefore, a question remains partially unanswered "Is the chewing gum able to activate digestive pathway?". Regarding Smith et al. [4] chewing gum is, at least partially, able to stimulate the initial phases of gastric secretion that involve essentially water and ions' movements. Our results seem to support the relative effect of haemoconcentration as deduced by red blood cell count, haemoglobin and hematocrit decrease, an effect that appears reversible with time according to the physiological process of digestion (Table 3, Figure 1p, 1q, 1r).

Moreover, fake feeding-induced gastric secretion due to chewinggum is probably responsible for the white blood cell count and neutrophils increase, with lymphocytes and eosinophils decrease observed in our study (Table 3, Figure 1s, 1t, 1u, 1v) as reported by Koscielniak et al. after a normal meal [42]. On the contrary the sugar-free chewing gum does not have impact on routine coagulation tests (Table 3).

In conclusion, based on the variability evidenced above, we recommend instructing the patients to avoid the use of chewing gum before blood collection for laboratory tests.


Our sincere thanks to Prof. Algirdas Utkus, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Vilnius University, Lithuania for inviting GLO from University of Verona for this research period at the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine. Our sincere thanks to the general practice nurse Vida Dovydenaite who performed all blood collections. Our special thanks to the laboratory professionals Dalia Kazekeviciute, Dovile Petronvte, and Laima Gogeliene for performing the laboratory tests on hematology, coagulation and clinical chemistry, respectively. Our gratitude to Riccardo Fiore F. L. Medical (Torreglia, Italy) who partially supported the project ADR 2451/15.


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Chew Gum Before Blood Draw


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